sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009

The Hell and Religion by Cristian Builes 10.B

The subject does not interest me, the religion doesn't matter, I don't believe in hell, the unique thing for my is the reason. As far as punishments, because I believe that if we did something while still alive we paid, it while still alive, they don't have to torment us with other false and cruel places.

sábado, 10 de octubre de 2009

The People

The people of San antonio Of Prado are very humble and simple people, everybody life in armony, in the camp with their small farms and their animals.

Although have violence, the people have a normal life with their families and Neighbors...

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

Our Landscapes

Our Landscapes is the best of the city, this is very clean, beautiful and amazing... The people organize walks and field days. Here have big lots of animals of farm and cattle.
The people is happy with their families, animals and your city.

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

San Jose Obrero Educative Institution

This college began as monastery, the Salle's Brothers built as encounter point for their integrants, it was a wihtdraw for this clergymen.
After there were taught to the comunity. Here had cultivation, animals and so forth, helped in the labors each other.
After it, passed to be insane asylum, and took the name of "Granja Taller"but it lastedn't much.
And finally college was built thought we have suffered glost changes, not only in your name, but in the organization and the educative and social part in the institution.